Naamah - Developing Talents (3)

Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations.  - Developing Talents #3

We met at our local animal shelter. I had arranged beforehand with them to give the girls a tour and a short lesson. I'd done this exact trip before, with Girl Scouts, and it was a hit. With Girl Scouts they asked to collect toilet paper tubes and bring them in for a service project where we stuffed each roll with hay for bunnies. In anticipation of that, I asked the Activity Day girls to collect and bring toilet paper tubes.  

I asked the parents to have the girls at the front doors at 10am sharp. Hahaha! What was I thinking? Definitely tell them to be there 15 minutes before the tour starts. Then when people are 15 minutes late it's ok.  In fact, I think I would switch the schedule around. We did the tour first, then did the usual Activity Day stuff with prayers, songs and the lesson. I think it would work better to meet at the place 30 minutes before the tour started, do the usual stuff along with the lesson, and then do the tour. 

The tour went well. The kids loved seeing the cats and the dogs. The shelter had no bunnies, so we didn't get to see any and they didn't have us make anything with our toilet paper tubes, but they were grateful for the donation which they said they would use more in the spring. 

After the tour I gave the lesson:  
In the book of Genesis is a woman named Naamah. Naamah loved Heavenly Father and knew that he loved her. She always tried to listen to the Spirit and do what Heavenly Father wanted her to do.

Naamah married a man named Noah. She and Noah knew Heavenly Father loved them and they worked together to listen to the Spirit and do what Heavenly Father wanted them to do. It wasn’t easy. Their friends and even their family became increasingly wicked. More and more Naamah and Noah had to stand up to people because what they were doing was wrong and they knew Heavenly Father would not want them to do those things. But Naamah and Noah cared more about what Heavenly Father of them then what people thought of them.

 Naamah and Noah had three sons, Japeth, Shem, and Ham. T hey tried to raise their sons to be righteous, but the world was now very wicked. They had no friends and no family who tried to live the Gospel. Heavenly Father helped teach Nammah how to be a good mother and how to raise her three sons. Her sons grew up to be righteous like their parents. The three sons married and had children. Naamah had granddaughters!

 But the granddaughters chose to care more about what people thought than what Heavenly Father thought. They did not try to listen to the Spirit. They became wicked like the world.

 Noah and Naamah still tried to do what Heavenly Father wanted them to do and Heavenly Father told them to build an ark and gather animals to put on the ark. Naamah, Noah, Japeth, Shem and Ham all listened to Heavenly Father. They all worked hard to build the ark and gather animals to put on the ark. Taking care of all those animals would have been really hard! But Heavenly Father helped her and she was able to care for all of those animals for a very long time.

 Heavenly Father told Noah to get on the ark with Nammah, their sons, and their daughters in law. They did, and when the rain fell and the earth flooded, Nammah watched the wicked world drown in the water. Heavenly Father saved Noah, Naamah and their family because they listed him. If we listen to Heavenly Father, he will save us.

The family stayed on the ark for almost a full year! When they finally left the ark they had to start over - a new life in a new world. All the people of the world came through Nammah. She is called the “Second Eve”.

 Like Nammah, we live in a wicked world, but if we try to listen to the Spirit, and care more about what Heavenly Father thinks of us then what people think of us, we can stay righteous like Naamah. Life will still be hard, but Heavenly Father will help us do hard things. Heavenly Father wants to save each one of us, but we have to listen to him and do what he wants us to do. Like Nammah, if we listen to Heavenly Father, he will lead us to a new, clean world.

I read them the excerpt from the Faith in God book:  Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations.  - Developing Talents #3   and passed out paper and boxes of colored pencils and pencils. I told them they could draw a picture of one of the animals we just saw, or write a poem or a story. Again, if I could do it again, I would have introduced the idea before the tour, so on the tour they could be thinking about what they wanted to draw or write. Then, at the end of the tour I would give them the time. 

We will use the results to display at the Mother/Daughter activity in May. 

We then did our closing prayer/friendship circle and I passed out the hand-outs (Taken from and that was it! 


Facts About Her:
  • She was married to the prophet Noah, who was a "... just man and perfect in his generation." (Genesis 6:9);
  • She was the mother of three sons: Japeth, Shem and Ham. They were also righteous men who walked with God (Moses 8:13);
  • She went into the ark with her husband, sons, three daughter-in-laws, and all the animals and fowls of the earth (Genesis 7: 7, 13);
  • Her granddaughters married men of the world, became wicked, and were destroyed in the flood along with everyone else (Moses 8:14-15);
  • She and her family stayed in the ark for almost a whole year (Genesis 7:11, 8:4, 13-14) ;
  • She was a "second Eve" in that all the children of the earth born after the flood came through her;
Speculations About Her:
  • In the apocryphal Book of Jasher (5:15) it says that her name was "Naamah", the daughter of Enoch. Jewish tradition also says her name was Naamah but that she was the Naamah mentioned in Genesis 4:22, the daughter of Lamech and Zilah and sister of Tubal-Cain.
  • She probably would have had to help take care of all the animals that were on the ark. God commanded Noah to take 7 male/female pairs of all the clean animals and fowls (14 total of each animal) and 2 (one male, one female) of the unclean animals (Genesis 7:2-3).
What We Can Learn From Her:
  • Women can remain faithful and raise righteous families even in a world that is full of violence and wickedness;
  • If we remain faithful God will always provide a means of deliverance from the wickedness that surrounds us.
  • Great work can be accomplished when men and women support each other;
Questions to Think About:

  • How did she raise righteous son's amidst all that wickedness? How did she keep them unspoiled by what was happening around them?
  • In what ways did she help with the creation of the Ark? Did she help build it?
  • How did she collect the animals?
  • How did she know how to care for so many different kinds of animals?


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