
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Widow of Zarephath - Learning and Living the Gospel (4)

Read a recent conference address given by the prophet. Decide what you can do to follow the prophet, and do it. -  Learning and Living the Gospel (4) This lesson was to get us ready for General Conference! We met at my house. I had a big area set up with chairs in a circle and then a table with chairs. Our group is getting a little small (all our girls are turning 10!) so we invited the older group to join us. I wanted more for people to play the games. Any number of girls can play, I thought it would be more fun with more girls. We did our opening stuff and I gave my lesson: Widow of Zarapeth  Back in the days when wicked queen Jezebel ruled Israel there was a woman who lived in the same city as wicked Queen Jezelebal. This woman was not a Jew, and was not born in the covenant, but she loved God and tried to always do what was right. She married and had a son. Jezebel was so wicked that God sent a drought: There was no rain. Not a single drop of rain. All the rivers, c

Tabitha - Food Bank - Serving Others (1)

Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30–37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger.  - Serving Others (1) This activity started back in January. At our last activity in January, I announced we would be doing our big service project of the year (this is a new thing I am starting). I introduced the Faith in God requirement, and asked them to read the parable of the Good Samaritan and to really get in to this service project. Before, I had contacted our local food bank, asked for a tour, and set up a digital food drive. The food bank made a webpage with a link our Activity Days girls could give out, where people could go online and click which food items they wanted to donate. The website gives them a total cost and the people pay the cost with a credit card, never having to search through their pantry, or go to the store, yet still helping out